
Singapore’s hotel industry has experienced a steady, healthy growth with an increase of $4 million in profit for the Total Room Revenue, with an 86% room occupancy across all hotels in 2018. Coupled with an increase in tourist arrivals to 18.5 million in 2018, the demand for manpower in this industry is set to increase.

How does e2i support Individuals & Businesses in Hotels?


Job Matching

  1. e2i has been working closely with hospitality industry partners to develop multi-skilling programmes for new hires. Several Place-and-Train and Professional Conversion Programmes were introduced so as to encourage and create ease for mid-career switchers to join the hotel sector.
  2. e2i regularly invites local and international speakers to the masterclass workshops, to share industry knowledge with the hotel workers. Through these masterclasses, workers can continuously upskill and reskill themselves, and improve their position as an asset to their organisation.


Job Redesign

e2i funds companies in their productivity projects by encouraging the use of technology, to reduce manual labour in favour of higher value jobs. The Inclusive Growth Programme (IGP) is an example of a productivity project that through e2i’s intervention, had benefited over 7,000 workers in the hotel sector since 2010.


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