Network Your Way to a Job (21 February 2023)

Training Sessions

In this workshop, you’ll learn to map and tap into your existing networks, leverage on them as a valuable resource in your job search journey.

Workshop: Attract Job Opportunities through LinkedIn Video Selling (22 February 2023)

Training Sessions

In today’s digital world, every business is now digital and social, and the same goes for job search. 80% of your job interviewers remember what they see and only 20% of them remember what they read. Learn how you can leverage on social media platforms like LinkedIn to build an alluring and credible personal brand. Master the art of building relationships online, selling your skills using videos and creating your career brand.

Workshop: Elevating your Employment Opportunities (23 February 2023)

Training Sessions

This one-hour session aims to share with jobseekers how to increase their employment opportunities. From learning how to articulate your skills and strengths to collaborating with recruiters, the session provides a new perspective on job search. Participants will walk away with a better understanding on how to leverage on recruiters in job search, whether it is for short term stints or permanent roles. Come prepared with questions and our facilitator will share more insights with you.